
An architect from Milan, an art historian from Bologna and a visual designer from Catalunia - who would have thought that their meeting could have led to the creation of an Interior design studio, one with kind of a rebel nature, in the very heart of the historic city of Urbino?


In fact, we have always had the feeling that we have known each other forever. A red thread tied our lives and our experiences long before we met… We mixed our skills, our homelands and their knowledge, we learnt to see through each other's look, but most importantly we travelled the world looking for unexpected suggestions and visions to incorporate in our projects… we created thousands of places capable of speaking and we listened to thousands of different people ready to put themselves out there…


Together we created houses, we shaped the interior designs of bistros, restaurants, ateliers, we rethought the spaces of historical mansions by turning them into places of modern hospitality, we took care of unpredictable artistic paths, we transformed completely the workspaces… 


Together, we created a network made of people, spaces and stories which made us who we are...


Our work begins with a meeting. Then, this meeting turns into ideas, projects and finally into the restructuring of spaces, the realisation of tailored furnishings integrated with design objects, while taking care of every last detail and harmonising all the different expertise which contribute to the realisation of “your space” with a single voice


Roberto Bua


Sono un architetto appassionato di teatro, che ha deciso di trasferirsi a Pesaro da Milano per avvicinarsi al mondo dello spettacolo. Ho collaborato per anni a progetti di scenografie, mostre e musei. Nel corso dei miei studi al Politecnico ho maturato una passione anche per gli spazi aperti. L’aspetto che ritengo più prezioso del lavoro è il rapporto con le persone: con i colleghi, con gli artigiani e con i clienti. Sono convinto che la vita si trasmetta per storie e che i luoghi che progettiamo debbano essere in grado di generare storie e di creare occasioni di incontro. Quando non sono impegnato a progettare, amo trascorrere il tempo libero camminando in montagna, osservando il mare, cucinando per gli amici e viaggiando.

Joan Martos


From studying Industrial and Object-oriented Design in Barcelona, I then became passionate about communication full stop, specializing in Visual Arts at the University of Urbino. Cinema, theatre, literature, but also the surreal worlds of musical, have broadened my knowledge of the different visual and narrative languages. At the same time, travelling – of which I am a found “consumer” – allowed me to broaden my life scopes. Santiago's walk helped me to accept my post-teenage restlessness. My first interrail trip with a friend took me from Krakow to Venice passing through Prague and Budapest, while on a second one I went from Milan to Istanbul travelling all over Italy and Greece. Next, there were the Northern Europe capitals, as well as New York – the fulfilment of a desire triggered by many novels and movies. I see myself as a good listener and that's often the role I prefer to play with my family and my friends, who are my real emotional pillar. At my job, and not only there, I think dialogue as the main ingredient in order for a project or a relationship to “advance”.

Un Progetto, una Storia


All of our projects are, first of all, a meeting – every week, come and discover with us, on our blogs, the stories of these meetings and of the projects born from them…


Your Story

Tell us what is that you wish for your house, your office or for the spaces of your business project. We can help you realise it – let’s meet, let’s think it out and let’s design your future together...

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